Liver Abscess

What is Liver abscess?

Liver abscess means liver tissue is filled by pus. It is a type of liver infection. There may be more than one or two abscesses in the liver.


Liver abscess is due to different types of organism it may be bacteria, parasite, or fungus.

Liver abscess


  • Pyogenic Liver Abscess: This infection is caused by bacteria often from the biliary tract, gastrointestinal and blood stream. Common bacteria include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Amebic Liver Abscess: This abscess is caused by parasite Entamoeba histolytica.
  • Fungal Liver Abscess: Rare, usually occurring in immunocompromised individuals. Common fungi include Candida species.

Sign and Symptoms

  • Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen.
  • Feeling Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fever with chills
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty in breathing

Dangers of Liver Obsessions

  • People who consume excessive alcohol have a higher risk of Liver Abscess.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Diabetes
  • HIV patients
  • Chemotherapy

How to detect Liver Abscess ?

Ultrasonography is the method to find out liver abscess and another method is C.T. scan.

Blood test:

  • Blood test to see increased serum level and WBC(White Blood Cells ) count to see infection level.
  • CBC(Complete Blood Count)
  • Liver Function Test
  • Blood culture
  • Inflammatory markers


Antibiotics: Broad spectrum antibiotics is used in the treatment of Liver Abscess.

Drainage: Is the another method to remove the pus.

Supportive care: Pain management, hydration, and monitoring of complication.


  • Good hygiene
  • Good sanitation practice
  • Treatment of intra abdominal infections


Sepsis: A severe, body-wide response to infection that can be life-threatening.

Chronic Liver damage

Rupture of the abscess into the peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, or pericardium

Risk factors

  • Biliary Tract Diseases
  • Intra abdominal infection
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Immunosuppersion
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Trauma or surgery

What is the main cause of liver abscess?

Liver abscess is due to different types of organism it may be bacteria, parasite, or fungus.

What is the treatment of liver abscess?

Antibiotics: Broad spectrum antibiotics is used in the treatment of Liver Abscess.
Drainage: Is the another method to remove the pus.
Supportive care: Pain management, hydration, and monitoring of complication.

लिवर फोड़ा होने का मुख्य कारण क्या है?

Liver abscess is due to different types of organism it may be bacteria, parasite, or fungus.

What are liver abscess symptoms?

Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen.
Feeling Nausea
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Fever with chills
Difficulty in breathing

How to detect liver abscess?

Ultrasonography is the method to find out liver abscess and another method is C.T. scan.
Blood test:
Blood test to see increased serum level and WBC(White Blood Cells ) count to see infection level.
CBC(Complete Blood Count)
Liver Function Test
Blood culture
Inflammatory markers

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