Hepatitis B Viral Load

What is Hepatitis ?

Hepatitis is a disease of liver caused by viral infection other factors also responsible such as certain medication, toxins, alcohol consumption, and autoimmune diseases. There are different types of hepatitis caused by different viruses factors.

Hepatitis B Viral load

Below mention 5 types of Hepatitis:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis D
  • Hepatitis E

Here we discuss about only Hepatitis B because our main topic is Hepatitis B Viral Load.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B infection is very dangerous condition. It destroy the liver very slowly-slowly. It is caused by hepatitis B virus. It spreads through contact with infectious body fluid such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid. It may cause liver cancer.

Sign and Symptoms

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach pain
  • Joint Pian
  • Jaundice

Hepatitis B Viral Load

Hepatitis B viral load is a blood test in which the amount of hepatitis B virus present in the human blood. It is important part for monitoring and managing the infection in blood.

Viral Load levels value

Low viral load: Low viral load means less than 2000 IU/ML. In this range liver is at low risk but regular monitoring is necessary.

Intermediate Viral Load: Intermediate Viral Load means 2000 to 20,000IU/ML. In this range liver is moderate situation so closer monitoring is required.

High Level Viral Load: High Level viral load means greater than 20,000IU/ML. In this range liver is at high risk.

Importance of measuring HBV viral load

  • Monitoring disease progression: It helps to track viral load changes.
  • Diagnosis: It confirms active infection.
  • Guiding treatment: It helps to decide when to start treatment.
  • Higher Risk: Higher viral load are indicating higher level of liver infection leads to liver cancer and liver cirrhosis.

Testing method of HBV viral load

  • Quantitative Polymerase Reaction, Real Time PCR, Branched DNA (bDNA) Assay:

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