Dengue fever

Dengue fever is viral infection caused by due to the dengue virus. Its mainly transmitted by mosquito bite.

dengue virus

Dengue virus is family member of Flavivirus. It has four distinct types

  • DENV-1
  • DENV-2
  • DENV-2
  • DENV-2

After infection with one serotype one gets life long immunity against that serotype.

Transmission of Dengue Virus

Mosquito vector

Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector of dengue . But Aedes albopictus also plays role in transmission of dengue virus. It is mostly active at the time of sunrise and sunset.


These mosquitoes are born in stagnant water like pots, plastic bottles, old tires and water inside old style cooler. Female mosquito acquire the virus by biting an infected person and then their bite can be spread the virus to the other people.

dengue virus

What are the symptoms of Dengue Virus ?

Mild Dengue Fever

  • High Fever
  • Headache
  • Pain behind eyes
  • Pain in joints and muscles
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Skin Rash
  • Blood in nose
  • Blood in gums

Severe dengue case

  • Severe stomach pain
  • Continues vomiting
  • Fast breathing
  • Bleeding gums
  • Blood in vomit
  • Blood in stool
  • Fatigue


Laboratory Test

  • NS1 Antigen test
  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test
  • IgG and IgM antibody test


Symptomatic treatment

There is no specific antiviral treatment of dengue virus. Acetaminophen or Paracetamol is generally used as pain killer in this situation. But strictly avoid aspirin and ibuprofen like medicines. Because the increased the risk of bleeding. Take more liquids like ors coconut water, intravenous fluid, also take rest.

Severe cases treatment

  • Patients are admitted to the hospital
  • Monitor the dangerous symptoms
  • Blood transfusion if required

Personal Protection

  • Use Mosquito screens
  • Always use mosquito net in night also in day
  • Use insect repellent

Global impact

It is common in tropical and subtropical region including southeast Asia, The Pacific Island, Caribbean, central and south America. It is very common in urban and semi urban

Myths and facts

Myth-Dengue can be spread from person to person

Fact-It is only transmitted by infected mosquito bite

Myth-Only children are at risk of dengue fever

Fact-Dengue fever can happen to the any age group.

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