Welcome to our website, here you upgrade your knowledge of about the different kinds of diseases causes, remedies, medicine and herbs juices of asclepius wellness pvt. ltd. awpl kidzdoc ras is a most beneficial products to improve child health.

(a) Detail description of awpl kidzdoc ras.
Awpl kidzdoc ras is most beneficial ras for children, now in these days as you see the lots of items are in market that shows us these items are most benefical for child health, but the awpl kidzdoc ras contains our ayurevdic herbs juice launch by company through proper research and analysis of lots of years. Kidzdoc ras contains best herbs ras that improve both mental and physical health of our children. It’s a beneficial herb that improve health condition of child’s suffering from autism a serious concern problem found in children.
(b) Ingredients uses in awpl kidzdoc ras.
(i) Apple
(ii) Brahmi
(iii) Shankh Pushpi
(iv) Ashwagandha
(v) Sounf
(vi) Sunthi
(vii) Giloya
(viii) Pan leaves
(ix) Kalimirch
(c) Benefits of Ingredients uses in awpl kidzdoc ras.
(a) Apple – A medium-sized apple is a simple healthy snack loaded with nutrients. A seven-point-five six (7.56cm) diameter apple will contain about one and a half cups of sweet, yummy fruit chunks or slices. Nutrition-wise, it is clocking in at 95 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, a whopping 4 grams of Fiber, 14% of the Reference Daily Intake of Vitamin C, 6% of the RDI for Potassium, and 5% of the RDI for Vitamin K.
(b) Brahmi – Brahmi and its characteristics include a decrease in ROS, a reduction in neuroinflammation, an inhibition of amyloid- aggregation, and an enhancement of cognitive and learning behaviors. In addition, based on past research, Brahmi may act as an inhibitor of Tau-mediated toxicity. Brahmi relieves stress by calming the mind and the body, which stops the stress chemicals from intensifying. Brahmi increases immunity by feeding the body with essential antioxidants and minerals to fight infections and disorders. That’s why Brahmi is given to children, teenagers, and people suffering from Brain problems.
(c) Shankh Pushpi – People suffering from depression should take it in their daily routine as it helps in balancing the chemicals such as neurotransmitters and ups the happiness hormone, it also reduces various symptoms of anxiety, and restlessness, making one mentally stronger.
(d) Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is an absolute and evergreen herb that grows in Asian and African countries. It is used for reducing stress levels. There is little evidence for its use as an “adaptogen.” Ashwagandha contains chemicals that might help calm the brain, reduce swelling, lower blood pressure, and alter the immune system.
Adaptogens are believed to help the body resist physical and mental stress. Some of the conditions it is used for including insomnia, aging, anxiety, and many others.

Vidarikhand benefits
Benefits of Vidarikhand is given as under: –
(a) Vidarikhand is an Ayurvedic supplement that helps in improving the bad condition of the Kidney & reduce aging factors.
(b) This ingredient helps in maintaining healthy joints & provides proper supplements or nutrients for skin health.
(c) Vidarikhand helps in rejuvenating the body of sports persons.
(d) What are the uses of awpl kidzdoc ras?
(a) Helps in the growth of children as well as newborn babies.
(b) Helps the children who are unable to speak at the age of 5-12.
(c) Helps in growing the catching power of children.
(d) helps in the overall growth of children and babies.
(e) Reduce stammer problem in children.
(f) Increase the diet of children who are not eating well.
(g) Maintains Hormone level in children.
(h) By taking this child be active all day.
(g) Helps children who are a physical challenge and have weak muscles.
(e) How to take awpl kidzdoc ras?
Awpl kidzdoc ras improve health of children suffering from mental, physical health problem as well as orthopedic problem, eye weakness and nerve system disorder. As we know that the proper dose of herbal products doesn’t herm people. Awpl kidzdoc Ras can be give your child after advice of concern BAMS Doctor.

(f) Disclaimer
Don’t take awpl kidzdoc ras without advice of concern doctor. Aarush healthcare doesn’t sell any products through online and office means. You can purchase awpl kidzdoc ras through giving online order on asclepius wellness website, through registered franchise and by direct seller of company.