Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer's Diseases

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of disease in which a person forgets his personality and all good and bad memories. This disease increases with the passage of time. It is a type of condition in which a person forgets his basic essence.

Let us understand this in a simple language. Suppose you are trying to join a puzzle into pieces and those pieces are slowly disappearing. How heartbreaking it must be to think of such a thing for a person who has lost everything forgets in this Alzheimer’s disease.

In this disease, the brain gradually starts shrinking and the brain cells also gradually start dying. In the condition of Alzheimer’s, there is a continuous decline in human’s ability to remember, reason, and brain function and even the ability to recognize one’s family, friends and loved ones gradually begins to fade away. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.

Alzheimer's disease is a type of disease in which a person forgets his personality and all good and bad memories.

In 2020 there is approximately 50 million people suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease most often occurs in people over the age of 65 but up to 10 percent of the cases start early and affect people between 30 and 60.

It not only affects the person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease but also changes relationships, reshapes the future, it is a cruel journey where moments of reality last only for a few moments and the person you knew goes away. And leaves a wound that can never be healed, yet somewhere in the midst of the darkness there is a glimpse of hope.

Sign and Symptoms of Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer disease

  • Memory loss that is very difficult for daily life.
  • Loosing judgement.
  • Always confusing.
  • New problems with words speaking and writing.
  • Challenges in solving problems.
  • Depression
  • Anxitey
  • Memory changes.
  • Difficulty in remembering recent events.

Causes of Alzheimer diseases

Alzheimer disease

The exact cause of Alzheimer disease is not fully known. In this disease, the brain gradually starts shrinking and the brain cells also gradually start dying. In the condition of Alzheimer’s, there is a continuous decline in human’s ability to remember, reason, and brain function and even the ability to recognize one’s family, friends and loved ones gradually begins to fade away. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.

How does Alzheimer’s disease impact human life?

Alzheimer’s diseases impact the human life. People having more then 60 years old face the Alzheimer’s diseases problem. As we know that there is lots of problem face due to age concern. As the old age people face memory loss problem an anxiety, depression and insomnia problems come. A confusion in solving any challenging tasks and analytical reasoning faced.

What to do when people face Alzheimer’s disease?

(a) First of all, concern with neurosurgeon and psychiatric doctor about your problem.

(b) Always adopt all precautions suggested by doctor.

(c) A proper care has been taken like eating at time, sleeping at time, taking medications at right time on priority basis.

(d) Always speak politely with patient and understand his/her problem.

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